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The sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross of Salvation and His subsequent resurrection, wrought victory over all the evil works of the devil. There is now, no greater authority than that of Jesus Christ.

However, when the authority of Jesus is compromised within local Christian churches, opposing evil spirits will take advantage. They will plunder the church spiritually, then physically and mentally.

Strife, corruption and division is the purpose of the devil’s insurgent manoeuvres, while counter insurgency actions, restore local Christian churches, to overcoming strength in Christ Jesus and Holy Spirit ministry.

Where the Spirit of the Lord Jesus is, there is liberty… and there is peace.

COUNTER INSURGENCY - Jesus in the local church!

  • James A Mullier is an author, landscape photographer, and songwriter/lyricist, who lives in Sydney, Australia. He is passionate for the Gospel message of Salvation to be heard throughout all the World in Grace and Truth.
    James writes books and composes songs to bring peace and understanding of the Living God to every person on Earth. His theme is simple and powerful: God is Love; God is kind; God is eternally good and unchanging; God is alive. Just receive Him as a child would, without fear.

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