Our future is made clear through relationship with the Living God who has provided access to, and authority in His Word of Truth and life. This Word is our source of protection on Earth and beyond. God is for us and not against us.
We are not abandoned by The Living God… quite the opposite. God has freely given the good news of His Word… Life to oppose deception, which so easily takes the World into darkness and despair. God would have that no-one perishes, but that all would have everlasting life and peace.
Covenant Word
James A Mullier is an author, landscape photographer, and songwriter, living in Sydney, Australia. He has been married for thirty eight years to his wife Kerrie.
Following James’ retirement from Civil Engineering, he has been committed to proclaiming the Truth of God’s Covenant Word: Saving Grace and eternal life to all who would listen.
James is an advocate of Faith, Hope, and Love: these three remain even if all else seems lost.